132 Search results

For the term "REST".

ebay’s IoT Collections: The Mashable Web of Things Home

Welcome to our final blog from the eBay Internet of Things collections series! In our penultimate post in this series, we were showing you how to implement a low-tech version of home automation using NFC and the EVRYTHNG engine. This time we’ll look at the bleeding-edge version of our connected home! A home where appliances can be piped together easily to create a dynamically reconfigurable home. Just like you can use IFTTT or Yahoo Pipes to create smart workflows for your data (e.g. if I tweet this, post this to my LinkedIn profile and update this Google Spreadsheet) you should be able to configure...


eBay’s IoT Collections: The NFC-Automated Home

In our penultimate eBay Internet of Things Collections blog post we wanted to talk about a cheap way of making your house a little smarter, one NFC or QR tag at a time! A little while ago we were showing you how you could use NFC and the Trigger app to create a ‘cheap smart home’. The app basically lets you create actions that are triggered whenever an NFC tag is seen close to your phone (as in ‘touching your phone’ kind of close). Don’t get me wrong, the app is awesome and I use it on a regular basis...


eBay’s IoT Collections: Smart Fussball Table

It’s time again for an eBay Internet of Things Collection recipe. This time we’ll be looking at a nice challenge we tackled at the last Web of Things Hackathon – the Smart Fussball Table! This yearly hackathon (stay tuned for the next one – advertised soon) is always focusing on a challenge that involves real world objects and their connectivity not only to the the Internet but also to the Web. In short it is always about having things talking to each other and humans based on Web protocols and tools.


Our Top 5 Topics to Look Out for at O’Reilly Solid

Your favourite blog (i.e. this blog :-)) was selected as a media partner for the O’Reilly Solid Conference. Hence, I’ll be covering the conference next week (May 21st to 22nd) and I’m very much looking forward to it! In anticipation of attending, we thought we would give you guys an indication of what topics we’re looking forward to discussing and discovering more about over the two days. On top of that we have attached some of the key presentations taking place that we believe will be particular highlights in the schedule, PLUS a bonus comp for you guys at the...


WoT eBay Collections Series Launch: Connected Coffee Machine

Time to present the third episode in our Internet of Things Collections blog series: the Connected Coffee Machine! Fridges and coffee machines are probably in the top 3 “things an IoT tinkerer is likely to connect one day or another…”. Not wanting to fail tradition, the tech team at EVRYTHNG decided it was time to connect our dear coffee machine to the Web through the EVRYTHNG API. “Connected as in I can send a tweet to your coffee machine and it makes me coffee?”, I hear you say. Not at all! That is so last year. 😉 We, at EVRYTHNG, are...


What are the key drivers of the IoT movement? Why now?

As O’Reilly Solid 2014 grows ever closer, Tim O’Reilly founder of O’Reilly Media took to Reddit for an Ask Me Anything Q & A session to drum up discussions around issues and ideas that may be of prominence in attendee’s minds come mid May. After reviewing these exchanges, we thought – what a perfect opportunity to look at some of the key topics and catalyse the conversations surrounding those topics, in the build up to the event!


WoT eBay Collections Series Launch: EMF Smog Box

And so it’s time for the second instalment of our Internet of Things Collections blog series for eBay: the EMF Smog Box! This episode is basically a deep-dive into one of my pet projects we released a little while ago: the Ondes Visible project. The basic concept of this project is quite simple: making electro magnetic fields (aka EMFs) visible! EMFs surround us day and night. Some are generated by natural elements such as the Sun or the stars, others however are created by humans – mostly through the use of wireless technologies. EMFs are invisible but scientists are not...


The digital horizon: A connected, adaptive, intelligent landscape for business’

As proud media partners of O’Reilly Solid 2014, we thought we’d fuel some discussion on an area of particular interest to us, before it all kicks off next month. The topic we decided to look at was how the Internet of Things will impact business processes in the future, as one of the more interesting and significant challenges facing modern business, we thought, what better place to start?


WoT eBay Collections Series Launch: Smart Lamps

Today sees the launch of “Collections” – eBay’s newest feature that allows its members to curate products around certain themes or ideas – and Web of Things are proud to have helped EVRYTHNG contribute 12 Internet of Things Collections as part of the initial launch campaign.