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in conjunction with

the ninth international conference on pervasive computing, san francisco, usa, june 12, 2011

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Dominique Guinard
Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich, SAP Research Switzerland, and MIT Auto-ID Labs, USA
Dominique Guinard is a visiting researcher at the Auto-ID Lab of MIT. He is also a last year Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Science of ETH Zurich and Research Associate for SAP Research. He was formerly a researcher at the Information Management group of ETH working on mobile interactions with the Internet of Things for Nokia Research. Before this, he was a scientific collaborator at the University of Fribourg where he worked on scalable service architectures for the Internet of Things together with SUN Microsystems Switzerland. He did his masters at Ubicomp lab of Lancaster University (UK), where he worked with Prof. Hans Gellersen on using sensor networks to support mobile spontaneous interactions with the physical world. Dominique is the co-founder of the initiative. His research interest is in Web-inspired and lightweight architectures for a global Web of Things, especially focusing on the notion of physical mashups with sensors, home appliances and (RFID) tagged objects.

Vlad Trifa
Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich, SAP Research Switzerland, and MIT SENSEable City Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA
Vlad is a PhD candidate at ETH Zurich at the Institute for Pervasive Computing and a Research Associate SAP Research Zurich. He holds a MS degree in Computer Science from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and bio-inspired computing. His thesis project was done at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), with Prof. Charles Taylor at the Department of Organismic Biology, Ecology and Evolution, jointly with Prof. Deborah Estrin at the Center of Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS), where he developed a framework framework for detection, localization, and recognition of bird songs using sensor network, in order to study the influence of environmental factors upon the evolution of bird songs in various environments. After graduation, he spent a year as researcher at the Humanoid Robotics and Computational Neuroscience Laboratories at the ATR Research Center near Kyoto, Japan, where he worked on multimodal human-robot interaction.

Erik Wilde
- School of Information, UC Berkeley, USA
Erik Wilde is Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information. He has over 10 years of background in working in Web-related fields, ranging from XML and data modeling issues to questions of Web services and RESTful design principles. Erik graduated from TU Berlin in computer science in 1991, got his PhD from ETH Zurich in computer communications in 1997, and since then has worked at ICSI in Berkeley, ETH Zurich, and for the past three years at UC Berkeley's School of Information, where he teaches Web Architecture and XML technologies. Two of his main research themes in the past years have been how to make the Web location-aware, and how to design and implement loosely coupled RESTful services; both of these themes have very close ties to the "Web of Things", and Erik's midterm research goals are location-enabling the Web, and moving it past the limitations of information resources alone.

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