Tagged: android


WoT eBay Collections Series Launch: EMF Smog Box

And so it’s time for the second instalment of our Internet of Things Collections blog series for eBay: the EMF Smog Box! This episode is basically a deep-dive into one of my pet projects we released a little while ago: the Ondes Visible project. The basic concept of this project is quite simple: making electro magnetic fields (aka EMFs) visible! EMFs surround us day and night. Some are generated by natural elements such as the Sun or the stars, others however are created by humans – mostly through the use of wireless technologies. EMFs are invisible but scientists are not...


Arduino + Processing + Android = Tellart

As make magazine reports, our friends from Tellart just released a fabulous tutorial for a toolkit and code samples to build prototypes that bind any android device with Arduinos. You’ll definitely find some great examples to get started within the 25 samples included, so we encourage you to give it a try! This week we’re happy to update that list of toolkits with a suite of materials focused on connecting any Android device (mobile or tablet) with the Arduino ADK microcontroller, with the Processing language to tie them together. The materials are a combination of “how-to” installation guides, working Arduino...


Ondes Visibles: What if the Electrosmog was Visible?

The Web of Things cries for wireless communication! As a consequence, as it is being deployed out there it contributes to a phenomena called electrosmog, understand a cloud of electromagnetic waves that increasingly surrounds us (and the exact effect of that cloud on us is still in the middle of many debates…). The fascinating part about this cloud is that much like our electricity consumption, we can’t really see it or feel it (well except for electro-sensitive people who say they can). Back in 2007, we started working on a project to make electricity visible the Web way (Energie Visible!),...