33 Search results

For the term "push".

LIFT11 – talk transcript

The transcript of my talk at LIFT this afternoon. Thought it would be a good intro to WoT (although very high level), so I shared it here. Thoughts & feedback more than welcome! Yeah, it’s a lot of text, and it’s ugly to read on a blog, so I also made a pretty PDF you can print or read later.

Touch the Web 2010 @ ICWE 2010 3,945

Touch the Web 2010 @ ICWE 2010

A few days ago I had the chance to participate to the “touch the Web 2010” workshop. The goals of the workshop were rather similar to the ones of WoT 2010 however, rather than being hosted at a Ubicomp/Pervasive venue, Touch the Web was collocated with ICWE2010, a pure Web engineering conference. The most surprising fact was probably how close the two communities are getting. Web people are increasingly interested in embedded/physical/sensor computing, and on the other hand, pervasive people are getting more and more convinced that the Web protocols as not so bad after all (take this paper for...

WoT 2010 and WoT 2011? 3,864

WoT 2010 and WoT 2011?

Update: Check out WoT 2011 at Pervasive 2011 Since we came back from WoT 2010 about a month ago, I’ve been wanting to post a small wrap up about it. So let’s really do it before WoT 2011 takes place 🙂 Before WoT The idea of launching the WoT workshop came from discussion with our Professor Friedemann Mattern and Erik Wilde from UC Berkeley. The main goal of the event was to bring together researchers interested in the Web of Things concepts and bootstrap a scientific community on the topic. We got a total of 28 papers and 5 demo...

COAP draft available! 2,749

COAP draft available!

Fresh out of the box, COAP draft is available since ahem… a couple of hours (self-pride for my timing as you can notice). This is definitely for me, us, and you all a definite pace for mankind – a solid and viable proof that the WoT is coming, and a very nice Christmas present. What is COAP I hear you saying? From the draft: The use of web services on the Internet has become ubiquitous in most applications, and depends on the basic REST architecture of the web. The proposed Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) working group aims at extending the...

WoT keynote (and clones :) 3,928

WoT keynote (and clones :)

I never know if I need to be happy or sad when I see other people mentioning WoT. Don’t get me wrong: I’m totally happy to see people pushing forward the same ideas we have here, make them better, build upon them and reuse them for their own projects. One year ago, most people I talked to were like “aha, use web on devices…. but why? Why not use something made for devices?”. It didn’t sound right at that time, but when you think about a world of web enabled devices, then you can see tons of bulbs turning on....

Towards the WOT Manifesto 4,981

Towards the WOT Manifesto

I’m taking a couple of days off in Romania, to chill out and reorganize my brain. We’ve been so busy working with Dom lately that we barely had time for WOT, and even less for getting our work done. Mainly tons of papers, meetings, talks, and barely no time to hack/code, and that kind of sucks. We both agreed that in the coming months, we’ll cut off random unproductive activities, to really focus on our work and building the Web of Things. I’ve notice that all the people I talk to not really understand what WOT is about, and for...

On REST for devices 3,966

On REST for devices

One things that I don’t understand, is that most people in our field do not really like our approach, or maybe they simply don’t get it. Indeed, we’re kind of stuck between several worlds: wireless sensor networks (WSN) people that find our approach too esoteric, and HCI people that find it not enough sexy. It is a bit annoying, as people don’t take us very seriously, especially not WSN researcher. I overheard comments like “What? You want to use the Web to connect devices? hahaha! I can’t stop laughing, haha it hurts me! Come on, be serious dude! Using the...

History of the Web 3,457

History of the Web

James Gillies: history of the Web We must write the story before everyone forgets. We can’t just write the story of the Web, as you’d have also to tell the story of hypertext, computers and PC. An early innovator was Vannevar Bush in “As we may think” (1945). Human mind associate things rather randomly. Then Doug Engelbart hypertext, in the 60’s with the first mouse, then at xerox parc people built it. Later paul baran contributed to arpanet, world’s first LAN, based with packet switching (1971). Then Network + Network + Network = Network. The idea was really that several...

Keynotes at Lift: David Rose 2,074

Keynotes at Lift: David Rose

Great pleasure to be able to attend another talk from David Rose from Ambient Devices and Vitality Inc. Instead of a pure transcription I’ll try to sum up some aspects of the talk. Note that does not entirely reflect what Dave meant but rather my interpretation of the talk. Dave began by talking about clairvoyance and magics. He explained how they materialized these chimers into the well-known Orb which changes its color according to a trend. Dave then explained how ambient devices where between push and pull technologies, how they should be peripherial and seamless with the environment(s). He explained...

Ercim news 2,906

Ercim news

I wanted to blog about this for a while already. I’ve been waiting eagerly to read the latest issue of ERCIM news, which had for special theme “The Sensor Web“. Usually they have interesting articles on many cool high-tech topics, but I have to admit that this issue was quite disappointing for me. In particular, they talk about the Sensor Web, which has nothing to do with our WWW. There is not single mention of URI or HTTP or REST in the whole issue, but there are many articles that talk about the same approaches. I find this quite disappointing,...