132 Search results

For the term "REST".
LIFT Workshop – FULL (and cool!!) 915

LIFT Workshop – FULL (and cool!!)

We just finished our LIFT workshop, and it WAS GREAT! Tons of interesting people from all around joined us (too many of them, so sorry for those we had to throw out). We started with a short introduction by Alexandra, Dominique, and Me about the past and the future of the internet of things. [Alex’s presentation coming soon] UPDATE: it’s here Alex’s presentation: Shhh, they’re listening, a subjective history of the Internet of Things View more presentations from Alexandra Deschamps-sonsino. (tags: lift09wot internetofthings) Dom’s presentation: From the Internet of Things to a Web of Things View more presentations from Dominique...

Building the Web of Things (WOT) Community 2,973

Building the Web of Things (WOT) Community

Dear all, Ok, Vlad and I have interesting (almost ;-)) things to say to the world but we are certainly not the only ones thinking about the Web of Things. Thus, the need to make this platform a … platform and not a two-man-show. A first step towards this goal is to start building a community of interested people. For that matter we added two widgets to the blog: WOTA COMMUNITY which is a Google Friends Connect community widget and WOTA CHAT! a chat box accessible to those who registered on the WOT COMMUNITY widget. We evaluated a number of...

Ercim news 2,906

Ercim news

I wanted to blog about this for a while already. I’ve been waiting eagerly to read the latest issue of ERCIM news, which had for special theme “The Sensor Web“. Usually they have interesting articles on many cool high-tech topics, but I have to admit that this issue was quite disappointing for me. In particular, they talk about the Sensor Web, which has nothing to do with our WWW. There is not single mention of URI or HTTP or REST in the whole issue, but there are many articles that talk about the same approaches. I find this quite disappointing,...

The Web of Things meets Prof. Cesare Pautasso 492

The Web of Things meets Prof. Cesare Pautasso

For those who live in Switzerland (or not to far away) we will be presenting our work in the WOT at the University of Lugano on Thursday, March 26th. Besides the fact that Lugano is the sunniest place in Switzerland it is for us a pleasure to be invited by Prof. Pautasso. His work on REST architectures and especially on comparing and contrasting REST with WS-* (i.e. SOAP, WSDL, and the like) service has been quite inspiring for us. If I had to select one paper in this field it would certainly be that one: RESTful Web Services vs. Big...

Cudrefin02 on Plogg 1,679

Cudrefin02 on Plogg

Koudos for Dom’s hard work, whose energy monitoring project made it on the ploggs new page. Awesome work he’s done with REST-enabling the ploggs. Even better, we’re soon gonna ploggify our work environment and offices which is an awesome step towards a RESTful ecosystem of devices where we’ll be able to play around. The only problem is that ploggs guys only gave us a windows DLL as an API to play with the ploggs which makes it hard (I mean impossible) to access plogg with a mac or a linux. Let’s hope we’ll soon get something smoother to read ploggs....

David Culler Part 2 2,298

David Culler Part 2

David started with the introduction of the early visions for the internet of the future, with tons of real devices integrated to it. It was commonly argued that the classical OSI layers were to disappear in the area of WSN, because very optimized applications, fully customized for particular purpose were necessary. David argues that this view was wrong, because with recent IPv6 full stacks on devices (I’m thinking of the ones in TinyOs and Contiki) one could extend directly the Internet on devices, without requiring protocol translating bridges. Which rocks, coz gateways will become just routers. With this implemented, WSN...

We WANT YOU: Web of Things Job @ SAP Research 1,122

We WANT YOU: Web of Things Job @ SAP Research

You are still a student or look for an internship? The web of things attracts you like a huge (RESTful) magnet? Well then you might be interested in joining us at SAP Research! Ok, we said this blog isn’t gonna be “yetanotherSAPpage” but still this time it fits quite well. We are launching a number of sub projects related to the Web of Things at SAP Research Zurich and are actively looking for motivated students to support us! Check out the ad: zh_04 … and send us your CV and motivation letter, we’re looking forward!

Talk at Liip 639

Talk at Liip

Oh, that’s a good topic to start the new year (a little late okay)! Happy new year anyway! We just gave a talk on the Web of Things, over at the folks from liip, a cool swiss Web development company with whom we share common interests (i.e. making the Web cooler). The slides of the talk are online: intro & demo (@Dom: put your slides here dude, UPDATE: It’s down there dude! :-)). Too many things to present in such a short time, but we hope this would lead to further discussions (and hopefully collaborations) with Web developers, to learn...

Are you Energy-Efficient? Sense it the Web Way!

Just felt like sharing with you one of our latest prototype which we created for a private foundation working in the field of energy awareness and sustainability in Switzerland called Cudrefin02. I think that a major burden for people, who want to save energy at home, is for them to identify how much energy is consumed by different appliances. How much does my computer consume in operation / when it is powered off? Is the consumption of my energy-saving lamp significantly lower in the long run than the normal lamp I’ve got there? Such questions are key to understand where...

and … a bit of History… 3,997

and … a bit of History…

My turn to Welcome you (Vlad’s always first, gosh that guy is just too quick for me!) to the Web of Things (or WOT for the insiders). We’ve been talking about that blog for almost a year now but a number and we’ve been working for an even longer while on topics around the Web of Things. I started in 2006 by exploring the wide world of RFID there already, rather than looking at connecting one reader to a computer we explored ways of considering a global world of tagged objects being observed at a million places a day. Back...