CALL FOR PAPERS - Seventh International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2016) in conjunction with IoT 2016, Stuttgart, Germany, November 7-9, 2016. * Workshop Abstract Continuing the successful Web of Things workshop series, this workshop aims at further exploring the use of technologies and principles at the core of the Web to provide methods for a seamless integration of physical devices. In particular, our goal is to foster discussion about systems that enable a real-time Web of Things and the discovery, search, and composition of services provided by Web-enabled things as well as the interaction of users with such devices. * Important Dates Paper submission deadline: September 19, 2016 Notification of acceptance: October 10, 2016 Camera-ready papers due: October 24, 2016 Workshop date: tbd (November 7-9, 2016) * Contributing to WoT 2016 WoT 2016 solicits contributions in all areas related to the Web of Things, and we invite application designers to think beyond sensor networks and Web applications, and to imagine, design, build, evaluate, and share their thoughts and visions on what the future of the Web and networked devices will be. - Integration of embedded computers, wireless sensor networks, every-day appliances, smart gateways, and things using a Web approach - Real-time communication with physical objects (e.g., WebSocket, Web-RTC, MQTT, CoAP, AMQP) - Web-based discovery, search, composition, and physical mashups - Use of semantic technologies to facilitate the interaction with and between things on the Web - Models, paradigms, and systems that enable the interaction with physical things for humans - Security, privacy, access control, and sharing of physical things on the Web - Application of Web tools and techniques in the physical world (e.g., REST, HTML5, 6lowpan, social networks) - Cloud platforms and services for the Web of Things - Concrete applications, use-cases, deployments, and evaluations of Web-enabled Things in contexts such as smart homes, connected cities, and Web 2.0 enterprises This seventh edition of the Web of Things workshop series will provide an interactive forum for WoT researchers to learn about and discuss existing efforts related to Web-based interactions with smart things. In order to ensure a high-quality technical session, submissions must cover one of the topics above and should not exceed six (6) ACM conference format pages. Research papers must be original prior unpublished work and not under review elsewhere as they will be published to the ACM digital library and listed on DBLP. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and selected based on their originality, merit, and relevance to the workshop. Submission requires at least one author to present the paper on-site. If you can, we encourage authors of accepted papers to bring a prototype and demonstrate it at the workshop, as part of an open demonstration session. For more instructions on how to submit to WoT 2016, visit * Organizers Simon Mayer, Siemens Corporate Technology, USA, Dominique Guinard, EVRYTHNG Ltd., UK, Erik Wilde, CA Technologies, CH,